Frequently Asked Questions

Why three day camps?
We have specifically chosen to do three-day camps to best accommodate the needs of our performers and the availability of volunteers. For many of our performers it can be challenging to maintain interest in an activity for many consecutive hours, days, or weeks. We have received positive feedback from families about the format of the camps being compatible with their child’s needs.
We have specifically chosen to do three-day camps to best accommodate the needs of our performers and the availability of volunteers. For many of our performers it can be challenging to maintain interest in an activity for many consecutive hours, days, or weeks. We have received positive feedback from families about the format of the camps being compatible with their child’s needs.
Are performers charged to participate?
Yes, we charge a nominal fee for every performer to participate, but we will never turn away a family due to inability to pay.
Yes, we charge a nominal fee for every performer to participate, but we will never turn away a family due to inability to pay.
How are camps funded?
Our organization receives generous financial support from corporate donors, grants, fundraising events, and individuals who believe in our mission to make show choir for everyone.
Our organization receives generous financial support from corporate donors, grants, fundraising events, and individuals who believe in our mission to make show choir for everyone.
Are other adaptive show choir camps available?
Abilities in Harmony is the only adaptive show choir camp in the Midwest accepting children of all abilities.
Abilities in Harmony is the only adaptive show choir camp in the Midwest accepting children of all abilities.

Who can participate in a camp?
We allow any student between the ages of 11 and 21 with any level of ability to participate in our camp. We do not turn any child away due to their special need. For this reason we invite parents to attend the camp if they feel that their presence may be necessary for their child to have a successful camp experience.
We allow any student between the ages of 11 and 21 with any level of ability to participate in our camp. We do not turn any child away due to their special need. For this reason we invite parents to attend the camp if they feel that their presence may be necessary for their child to have a successful camp experience.